When Rav Yitsḥak Luria, zt”l, also known as the Holy ARI, davvened in Eretz Yisroel he brought about a series of liturgical innovations witnessed in later siddurim. His particular nusaḥ bridged minhag Ashkenaz and minhag Sefarad (the customs of the Rheinland Jews and the customs of the Jews of the Iberian Peninsula) with the teachings of his school of Kabbalists. When two centuries later, the Ḥassidic movement blossomed in Eastern Europe, it found purchase in Lithuania among a mystical school centered around Rav Schneur Zalman of Lyadi, the Alter Rebbe and founder of the ḤaBaD movement within Ḥassidism. The Alter Rebbe compiled his own siddur, the Siddur Torah Ohr, “according to the tradition of the ARI.”

The most recent edition of this siddur, the Siddur Tehillat HaShem, was published with additions of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, and is found widespread across the many ḤaBaD Houses and other institutions affiliated with the ḤaBad movement he once presided over. Neither text of the Siddur Torah Ohr, nor the Siddur Tehillat Hashem is extant in a free digital edition. The Open Siddur Project is busy transcribing the contents of the Siddur Torah Ohr to contribute a digital edition to the Public Domain.
Transcribing any text can be arduous, if rewarding work for a single person. That is why we are crowd-sourcing this effort. Little did we know that a young Ḥasid, Shmueli Gonzales, had already taken it upon himself the heavy burden of converting this work from printed text to digital, machine readable Hebrew letters.
Shmueli went ahead and formatted the text in the Open Document formatted files below. (You can use LibreOffice to open or edit them.) The current version (3.0+) of the modules are formatted entirely with free and open source fonts.
Shmueli describes his work in this way:
It is provided via the Internet as a resource for study and for use for prayer when a Siddur is not immediately available. This text was created with the many people in mind that travel through out the world and find, to their horror, that their Siddur is missing. Now it’s accessible for all of us in those emergency situations.
One should not rely only upon this text. A Siddur is not just an order of prayer. It is intended to serve as a text for education in Jewish tradition and the keeping of mitzvot. This text lacks many of those qualities. Thus, one should own a Siddur of their own and study it.
The Blessing Book (v.3.31) | ODT | TXT | |
T’fillat HaDerekh (Traveler’s Prayer for a Safe Journey, v.3.0) | ODT | TXT | |
Birkhot HaShaḥar (Morning Blessings, v.3.82) | ODT | TXT | |
Shaḥarit (Morning, v.3.31) | ODT | TXT | |
Minḥa (Afternoon, v.3.42) | ODT | TXT | |
Ma’ariv (Evening, v.3.12) | ODT | TXT | |
The Bedtime Shema (v.3.5) | ODT | TXT | |
Tikkun Ḥazot (v.3.1) | ODT | TXT | |
Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday Evening, Receiving the Shabbat, v.3.4) | ODT | TXT | |
Shabbat Shaḥarit and Mussaf (Saturday morning, v.3.3) | ODT | TXT | |
Shabbat Minḥah (Saturday afternoon, v.3.1) | ODT | TXT | |
The Shabbat Book (Candle lighting, Meals, and Havdalah, v.3.2) | ODT | TXT | |
Ḳiddush Levana (Blessing of the New Moon, v.3.3) | ODT | TXT | |
Hallel and Musaf for Rosh Ḥodesh (New Moon’s Day, v.3.3) | ODT | TXT | |
Tefillat L’Shalosh Regalim (Prayers for Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Pesaḥ, and Shavuot, v.3.0) | ODT | TXT | |
Seder Hosha’anot for Sukkot, Hoshanah Rabba, and Hakafot for Simḥat Torah (3.0) | ODT | TXT | |
Blessings for Ḥanukkah (v.3.0) | ODT | TXT | |
Blessings for Reading Megillat Esther (v.3.0) | ODT | TXT | |
Sefirat HaOmer (Counting the Omer, v.3.31) | ODT | TXT |
Join us in creating a faithful digital transcription of the Siddur Torah Ohr (R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812)), a critical text of the nusaḥ ha-ARI z”l.
The Siddur Torah Ohr was originally prepared by the Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), the founder of the חב״ד ḤaBaD movement within Ḥassidut. Torah Ohr witnesses the Nusaḥ Ha-Ari, a nusaḥ prepared by R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi according to the tradition of R’ Yitzchak Luria, also known as the ARI. This siddur was originally published in 1803 in Shklov. The edition we are transcribing was prepared by anonymous editors according to the text of R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi and published by Shulzinger Brothers in Brooklyn, New York 1940.
Transcribing Siddur Torah Ohr began in the Summer of 2010 and continues today. Transcription of the siddur including commentary began in 2006 on Wikisource. Integration of wikisource material with this transcription effort was completed in July 2010. In June 2010, we received some transcriptions of liturgy prepared by Shmuel Gonzales for a another, later siddur prepared by Ḥabad, the Siddur Tehillat Hashem. If you are looking for downloadable segments of transcribed liturgy, please check Shmuel Gonzales’ Nusach Ha-Ari transcriptions.
After transcription and proofreading, this new digital edition will be shared under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) Public Domain dedication. The edition will then be encoded in TEI XML and archived in the Open Siddur database, a libre Open Access liturgy database.
Skills necessary
To participate in this transcription project, you will need the following:
- basic literacy in Hebrew.
- typing with a Hebrew keyboard layout including the full range of Hebrew diacritics (niqqud and t’amim) — (see here for more information)
- registration in the collaborative transcription project, Hebrew Wikisource.

“📖 סידור תורה אור (נוסח האר״י) | Siddur Torah Or, the nusaḥ of the school of Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria as arranged by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Lyadi” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
This is amazing. I am a special ed teacher and there has never been a nussach ari template for me to work with to make special pages for my students you are a life saver! Can you tell me when you are planning on putting up Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Machzorim as well as selichos for the fast days (also the other yomim tovim tefilos like Hoshanos and Atah Hareisah…)
Wishing a great new year and lots of success, Yechiel
p.s. I’ve already told others of your work! Thank you so much, again!
thanks so much!!! looking to make a functional siddur for my hebrew school and searched all over the web for nusach ari in editable text. thank you so much! yasher koach!
You have a mistake in the text of the morning blessings.. in the section about ✶ קטרת ✶ Incense, from Exodus 30:34-36, 7-8
יֹּאמֶר יְיָ אֶל מֹשֶׁה, קַח לְךָ סַמִּים: נָטָף, וּשְׁחֵלֶת, וְחֶלְבְּנָה, סַמִּים, וּלְבֹנָה זַכָּה, בַּד בְּבַד יְיָ:
The last word in the quote above is INCORRECT.
Thank you for the correction. Besides updating the files shared here, I’ve also updated our transcription of the 1940 Shulzinger Bros. Siddur Torah Ohr, here. If you can, please help us to complete that transcription.
This is great work! Thank you to everyone who made it happen.
Does any one know of a Nusach ari that is in Sefer Torah Script?
See our Open Source and Unicode Hebrew font pack and our guide to design your own siddur with the fonts of your choosing.
Thank you, great project….there is a line missing in the morning ketoret. maneh lekol yom pras….
Thank you, Naftali and thanks to everyone for reporting corrections. The line in the Morning Blessings has been corrected.
Thank you for the AWESOME work, Would you consider changing the font for the ODT files to Shlomo, it is much easier to see the differences between letters especially the Daled and Reish.
I would be happy to have a siddur Ari in sefer torah font
You can do it. It’s a challenge though to include all the niqud (vocalization marks) together with tagin (letter crowns). Check out the fonts page for “Stam” fonts supporting niqud. Shlomo Orbach’s semiStam font seems to strike the right balance for me. The ODT files are editable, so experiment which fonts work for you.
Thanks for the suggestion. Shlomo Orbach’s shlomo fonts are a welcome adaptation of SIL’s work. Have you tried editing the ODT files yourself with your preferred font, yet?
I did edit the ODT files. I produced a BEAUTIFUL Tisch Buch (Table book) That I use. That is how I noticed that in the Ezra fonts, it is sometimes hard to distinguish the Daled and the Reish.
My suggestion is in case the files from this site are updated.
Merely an observation and a suggestion.
Outstanding project!!
Many thanks!!
Send a picture of your Tisch Buch when you can, please, Shmuel! We’d love to show what folks are making with this project.
No pictures, just (Beautiful) text. I have no objections to posting the entire work here, but it is simply changing fonts and some minor layout changes of Shmueli’s Awesome work. I hope to participate in this most awesome work of yours by doing some transcribing of the Siddur Torah Ohr and by spreading the word to other interested people. Thanks and keep up this GREAT work.
Psalm 67 is not correct in the blessing after meals, in the Blessing book version 3.2
It appears that Psalm 67 is not correct in many or all of the above files. It looks like the incorrect version was copied and pasted in all the above files. Below is the correction. I am still working on / hoping to be able to review and transcribe the on-line Siddur Torah Or.
Thanks again for the AWESOME work.
Psalm 67
לַמְנַצֵּחַ בִּנְגִינֹת מִזְמוֹר שִׁיר: אֱלֹהִים יְחָנֵנוּ וִבָרְכֵנוּ יָאֵר פָּנָיו אִתָּנוּ סֶלָה: לָדַעַת בָּאָרֶץ דַרְכֶּךָ בְּכָל גּוֹיִם יְשׁוּעָתֶךָ: יוֹדֽוּךָ עַמִּים| אֱלֹהִים, יוֹדֽוּךָ עַמִּים כֻּלָּם: יִשׂמְחוּ וִירַנְּנוּ לְאֻמִּים, כִּי תִשְׁפֹּט עַמִּים מִישֹׁר, וּלְאֻמִּים בָּאָֽרֶץ תַּנְחֵם סֶלָה: יוֹדֽוּךָ עַמִּים | אֱלֹהִים, יוֹדֽוּךָ עַמִּים כֻּלָּם: אֶרֶץ נָתְנָה יְבוּלָהּ, יְבָרְכֵנוּ אֱלֹהִים אֱלֹהֵינוּ: יְבָרְכֵֽנוּ אֱלֹהִים, וְיִירְאוּ אוֹתוֹ כָּל אַפְסֵי אָרֶץ
I am now set up to edit on wikisource and I am starting to edit / transcribe the Siddur Torah Or. I will contribute as much as I am able.
the haggadah isnt exactly nusach ari….can you edit it?
Krias Shma Sheal Hamita:
pg 3 – in vehaya – word “vehishtachaveesem” (lohem) is broken up into two lines without a -.
tachanun – Ata yodeya – “uvoychen” clayos valev – uvochen has a hey instead of a ches.
tachanun – yehi ratzon 4 – there should be a space between “ufogamtee b’ois” and “(hey)”
ana bekoach
1st pasuk – 4th word – “yemincha” has segol instead of shva
2nd pasuk – 3rd word – “amcha” has segol instead of shva
3rd pasuk – 4th word – “yechudcha” has a segol instead of shva (?)
4th pasuk – 4th word – “tzidkoscho” has a segol instead of shva
preface to paragraph right before hamapil – yesh lomar “kodem” – word kodem is miswritten
in same paragraph, “kodem” miswritten again
in same paragraph, Hashem Roee “Vechu'” – should be vechulu (vov chof vov apostrophe)
Thank you very much for the corrections, I really appreciate your help and support. Every correction and suggestion helps make this a more complete text. Please see the newly ODT files, the office document files. ( sometime the PDFs take a little bit longer to get up on the site)
You can also feel free to edit these documents, to correct and format as well. I welcome your assistance.
I however apologize for my delay, as I have been recovering from surgery in my hand and arm. I hope to get back to full work with this transcription as soon as physically possible.
In Kiddush Levana, you left out the 2nd paragraph of Aleinu at the end. Great service you provided. Thanks!
Thank you so much for bring this to my attention. This error should now be corrected. I really apprerciate your help and support!
in Bedtime Shema in רבונו של עולם it is missing the word וְלֹא
here is the correction: שלא אחטא עוד. וְלֹא אחזור בהם
Hello, great work! It musaf rosh chodesh, amida is misspeled in the title (should be ain, not aleph).
Fixed, thank you.
By The Blessing Book on the Blessing of seeing a rainbow this is the correction: זוֹכֵר הַבְּרִית וְנֶאֱמָן בִּבְרִיתוֹ
In The Blessing Book in the Blessing of Upon seeing exceptionally strange looking people or animals: מְשַׂנה the nun doesn’t have a נקדה
Great Work!! May Hashem bless you with all of His deepest material and spiritual blessings. Toda raba!
We love the Siddur.
Since you have the Tehillim of the day, please enable access to all of Tehillim as we want to say the Rebbe’s, our own and children’s chapters.
Also Kiddush LeVanah is needed.
Thank you for a great job you did
Just wanted to bring to your attention that in today’s davning there are a few mistakes and please correct them please. 1) Today on Rosh Chodesh we say the whole Hallel and not half. 2) for Krias Hatorah we take out 2 Torah’s and not just R”Chodesh.
Again thank you for a Great job I’m enjoying it. הצלחה רבה
Many thanks for sharing. This is a great work! B”H
I couldn’t find in your site how to suggest a fix easily so I post it here:
In tora-or siddur –
Shaḥarit (Morning, v.3.31)
I found a mistake –
Instead of “רחום וחנון חטאתי לפני רחם עלינו והושיענו:”
it should be “חטאנו לפניך”
not “חטאתי לפניך”
Thank you.
Is there anywhere I can find the tashlich prayer? Have been searching high and low
Shabbat shacharit is missing hacol yoducha after borchu
Is there any way to add or upload audio files of the various singing styles of the specific sections of prayer?
Amazing work. Just two points: For the instructions on how to bow for Oseh shalom by shemoneh esrei and Kaddish, it says bimromav Oseh shalom instead of Oseh shalom bimromav. Also, the Chanukah pdf seems to be missing.
Could we please have the Mishnayot for Yahrzeit & Aveilut
Dovid Travers, Melbourne AUS
great job and thank you. it seems that all the places that we add כתר in the מוסף it has the regular נקדישך.
Hi, I am trying to find Nishmas that is found in Shachris LeShabbos and Yom Tov. Do you know where I can find it in this PDF?
Nishmat can be found on the bottom of page 21 in https://opensiddur.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Sha%E1%B8%A5arit-Musaf-Shabbat-Nusa%E1%B8%A5-Ha-Ari-%E1%B8%A4aBaD.pdf
In bedtime Shma, page 8 at the end of chapter 51 there is a missing מ in the word מזבחך
Just so I understand: I can print these out and use for mu shul?
Yes. Note the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
Is there a way you can include the Shva na and nach’s?
Also, there are few spelling mistakes in the Hebrew.
Per the limitations of Unicode Hebrew, there is no standard glyph in Unicode addressed for shva nach. This is an issue we hope to resolve in the Open Siddur application we’ve been developing. (More developer interest is welcome here.)
[…] can download the PDF, ODT or TXT version HERE at the Open Siddur Project, as well as find the rest of the related Nusach haAri transcriptions […]
[…] You can download the blessings for the Sefirat haOmer graciously hosted by The Open Siddur Project HERE, as well as find all other related liturgical transcriptions. Like this:LikeBe the first to like […]
[…] licensing in electronic format and print formats. You can find my contributions of liturgy HERE. Find out how you can also be a part of this worthy […]
[…] licensing in electronic format and print formats. You can find my contributions of liturgy HERE. Find out how you can also be a part of this worthy […]
[…] You can download the blessings for the Sefirat haOmer graciously hosted by The Open Siddur Project HERE, as well as find all other related liturgical transcriptions. Share […]
[…] licensing in electronic format and print formats. You can find my contributions of liturgy HERE. Find out how you can also be a part of this worthy cause! Share […]
[…] licensing in electronic format and print formats. You can find my contributions of liturgy HERE. Find out how you can also be a part of this worthy cause! Share […]
[…] licensing in electronic format and print formats. You can find my contributions of liturgy HERE. Find out how you can also be a part of this worthy cause! Share […]
[…] licensing in electronic format and print formats. You can find my contributions of liturgy HERE. Find out how you can also be a part of this worthy cause! Share […]
[…] Download the “Bedtime Shema” prayers at The Open Siddur Project […]
[…] irgendwie kommt man sich dann doch freaky vor, wenn einen die anderen Beter fragend beobachten. Der Nussach Ari (Machzor zum anschauen) weicht in Bezug auf die Schmoneh Essre und Mussaf nicht gravierend vom […]
[…] licensing in electronic format and print formats. You can find my contributions of liturgy HERE. Find out how you can also be a part of this worthy […]